I’ve pledged, but now what?
Share. The single most important thing you can do now is to share this site and the message and the idea. You can tweet, facebook, or blog the campaign using the social media markers on the main page, just under the Pledge Now button. Be sure to use the name of the site, MayOne.us, and the hashtag #MaydayPAC.
If you have a blog or website, add our widget by including this code in your site:
<iframe src="https://mayone.us/campaigns/may-one/?widget=1" width="260px" height="260px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" /></iframe>
The next step toward making the Mayday super PAC successful is reaching out to friends, neighbors, and colleagues, and expanding our reach. Can you help by sending a message to your network about this campaign?
There are easy ways to do this —like sharing on Twitter and Facebook — but the most impactful way is through a personal e-mail message. Here’s an example:
Giving money to a super PAC is one of the last things I thought I’d ever do… but I just did.
I recently joined Lawrence Lessig’s citizen-funded Mayday PAC, an ambitious campaign to win a Congress committed to ending corruption in 2016, and today we did something amazing: we reached the halfway mark for our fundraising goal with over $500,000 in pledges. That’s a ton of money, but it’s not enough. We’ve got $500,000 more to raise, and I’m writing to my friends and family to ask if you can help us get the rest of the way there. If all of us who have supported the Mayday PAC so far each recruit just one matching donation, we’d easily hit that goal. But I’d like to see if I can recruit five of my friends to donate. So my question is: will you be one of those five?
I don’t have to tell you why this is important. We all know our government is dismally dysfunctional because politicians spend all their time raising money instead of doing the jobs they were elected to do. So our plan is to fight fire with fire: raise the money needed to elect representatives that are committed to the reform we so desperately need.
You can read all about the Mayday PAC via the links below, but once you do, please consider joining me in making a pledge. This is a totally crazy plan, but now that we’ve raised $500,000 I’m beginning to think: it’s so crazy that it just might work. It’d mean the world to have your support.
Yours, (Your name here)
What more beyond sharing?
Create and pester.
Create: Tell your story. Tell this story. Explain to your friends why this issue matters. And through that telling, you will help us understand how to make it more compelling. Use the #MaydayPAC hashtag, and again, be sure to share what you’ve created with us and with your friends.
Pester: We will win only when we have a majority in Congress committed to fundamental reform. If you go to reform.to, you can see where your representatives stand on fundamental reform. If they’re on the wrong side, pester them to get on the right side. And if you convert someone, let us know.
I can’t stress this enough: Only by sending personal appeals to the people in your support networks, online and off, will we reach people, especially those who desperately want to fix the problems that the influence of money in politics causes, but have become so cynical they dare not get their hopes up. Tell them what we’ve accomplished so far – and what we hope to accomplish. But most importantly, let them know that their support is extremely important to you.
Can I sign up to volunteer online?
Yes! This Google Form will take your name, e-mail and zip code, and we’ll add you to our volunteer database.
What about offline?
Spread the word, face to face. Talk to people in your social groups, your clubs, and ask them to out MayOne.us. Get people together and organized working for change. Contact your local Congressman and tell them that you want legislation that provides for citizen-funded elections, and if they’re not receptive, let people know.
I’m creative/smart/talented – can I help?
Damn straight. On this page, we’ll keep a list of our current needs. But beyond the specifics, we’re keen to find material we can share with others. If you’re an artist, we’d love to get your photography, sketches, videos, and animations. If you’re a programmer, we’d love to see what creative apps you can come up with to help us spread the word and get organized. If you can upload your work digitally, just be sure to tag it #MaydayPAC, and send an e-mail to info@mayone.us.
I’m not an American, but I want to help.
If you’re not a citizen or permanent resident of the U.S., unfortunately you cannot pledge or give any item of value. However, if you want to spread the word, please do so. And remember – the issues we fight for here are issues in every democracy. Be sure to get informed and involved locally.
What help do you need now?
Here’s a list of the things we need — work, stuff, ideas, etc. This list will evolve, so check back often. If you have something, email us at info@mayone.us.
Iconic images of America — for the opening screen, compelling, color images of America, freely licensed ideally.
Haunting images of America — for the opening screen, images that evoke a sense of what America needs.
Technical support — we’ve had incredible volunteer support, and need more.